Our Software Stack

Some Computer

As we promised, we are open about the stack, on which this blog is relied on, here it is:

  1. Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS https://ubuntu.com/
  2. Web server: Nginx https://www.nginx.com/
  3. Blogging platform: WriteFreely https://writefreely.org/
  4. HTTPS certificate authority: Let’s Encrypt https://letsencrypt.org/
  5. Online office, collaboration and communication tooling: Google Workspace https://workspace.google.com/
  6. AI images generation tool: Midjourney https://www.midjourney.com/
  7. Photos source: Unsplash https://unsplash.com/

* Photo by ffstop https://unsplash.com/photos/black-computer-keyboard-DuHKoV44prg